Pulp&Paper Innovation that
adds Values to our lives.

Infinite possibilities of pulp –
connecting to our vision of paper’s future
Non-consolidated (In 100 Millions of Won)
2023 2022 2021
Current Assets 963 971 953
Non-Current Assets 1,752 1,714 1,788
Total Assets 2,715 2,685 2,741
Current Liabilities 720 555 593
Non-Current Liabilities 347 411 304
Total Liabilities 1,067 966 897
Paid In Capital 137 137 137
Retained Earnings 1,146 1,219 1,341
Other Comprehensive Income 4 2 5
Other Capital Surplus 361 361 361
Total Equity 1,648 1,719 1,844
Based on a set of separate financial statements [△ indicates a negative figure.]
2023 2022 2021
Current Assets 977 985 968
Non-Current Assets 2,174 2,143 2,122
Total Assets 3,151 3,128 3,090
Current Liabilities 731 570 594
Non-Current Liabilities 420 478 373
Total Liabilities 1,151 1,048 967
Paid In Capital 137 137 137
Retained Earnings 1,317 1,395 1,456
Other Comprehensive Income 186 189 172
Other Capital Surplus 343 343 343
Minority Interest 17 16 15
Total Equity 2,000 2,080 2,123
Based on consolidated financial statements [△ indicates a negative figure.]
Income statements (In 100 Millions of Won)
2023 2022 2021
Sales Revenue 1,611 1,525 1,313
Operating Income △ 77 △ 77 57
Earning Before Income Taxes △ 89 △ 174 64
Net Income △ 60 △ 134 49
Based on a set of separate financial statements [△ indicates a negative figure.]
2023 2022 2021
Sales Revenue 1,621 1,535 1,322
Operating Income △ 73 △ 72 61
Earning Before Income Taxes △ 77 △ 116 56
Net Income △ 57 △ 87 43
Based on consolidated financial statements [△ indicates a negative figure.]