Pulp&Paper Innovation that
adds Values to our lives.

Infinite possibilities of pulp –
connecting to our vision of paper’s future
Process of pulp production
  • 나무(Wood)

    Wood Hardwood that mixed oak and eucalyptus are main materials

  • 목재칩(Wood Chip)

    Wood Chip MOORIM P&P’s product is kraft pulp a kind of chemical pulp

  • 증해공정(Cooking)

    Cooking Delignification of woodchips by cooking using cooking chemicals in a digester with high temperature and high pressure

  • 04

    Washing Washing away the eluted lignin that have been separated

  • 05

    1st Screening Removing unnecessary coarse materials from the fibers

  • 06

    Bleaching Removing remained lignin, unbleached pulp through oxidation reduction reaction using bleaching chemicals to obtain brightness of desired level

  • 07

    2nd Screening Removing fine particles of unnecessary materials

  • 08

    Drying Drying bleached pulp, generally consisting of 3 steps : Dewatering, pressing and drying part. Pulp is dried from 2% up 80% to through the process

  • 09

    Finishing Wrapping final products into a specific size and weight to facilitate open storage and transportation. This is the final process of producing products

  • 10

    Delivery Wrapped pulp deliveries each paper mill