Pulp&Paper Innovation that
adds Values to our lives.

Infinite possibilities of pulp –
connecting to our vision of paper’s future
moohae Molded Pulp a safe and easy-to-use sustainable packaging
Created with a unique innovative solution by Moorim, the only wood pulp manufacturer in Korea.

As the only wood pulp manufacturer in Korea, Moorim has developed moohae Molded pulp a type of food packaging made only with natural ingredients.
moohae Molded pulp is more sturdier than other products, as it holds greater water-resistance, and is also microwave-safe.
Above all, it is made of natural materials, allowing for biodegradability and recyclability.

Moorim's Molded Pulp Fiber, the most sustainable packaging
  • Fresh pulp

    Uses fresh pulp
    from sustainably managed forest

  • No endocrine disruptors!

    Only natural ingredients used as raw materials

  • Ingredients that are certified
    for their safety!

    Uses FDA-tested
    water/oil-resistant agent

  • Recyclable and compostable

    Recyclable as paper category and home compostable

  • Hygienic food containers

    Sterilized and dried at a high temperature and high pressure

  • The largest molded pulp production facility in Korea

    Moorim’s Ulsan plant owns the largest molded pulp fiber facility in Korea

Moorim’s solution for a better everyday life, " moohae "

Moorim is the only company that uses slurry-form raw pulp to produce molded pulp products.
Moorim has the largest production facility in Korea, allowing for flexible design shaping and the production of various products according to consumer needs

Virtuous cycle of sustainable products

Moorim’s molded pulp is produced by a sustainable production system and returns to nature after it is consumed.

Virtuous cycle of sustainable products