Pulp&Paper Innovation that
adds Values to our lives.

Infinite possibilities of pulp –
connecting to our vision of paper’s future
Moorim strives to achieve all it sets out
to accomplish with strong conviction

Moorim is looking for talented individuals who are willing to rise up to the challenge,
innovate, collaborate with others, and live up to the highest degrees of professionalism.


We are committed to refining
our dignity and personality.

Shows respect for customers and colleagues
Expertise necessary to achieve high quality

We do our best in our roles based
on the spirit of craftsmanship

Responsibility to carry out given roles
Persistence to complete assigned tasks
HR policy
We foster real professionals that work towards
improving their personal competence as well as
the overall performance of the company
Talent fostering system
Generalists (Future Leaders)


Specialists(Fostering experts in each category)
MR.Guardianship (a system aimed at fostering and mentoring new recruits)

A tailored mentoring system to ensure that new recruits adjust quickly to the company’s culture and establish
the correct professional perspectives to become genuine members of Moorim

Rotation of work tasks for professional development

Employees are encouraged to take on a broader perspective based on an understanding of other tasks and
divisionsthrough the rotation of work tasks

Competence development through various training sessions

Group training for all employees, task competence training online and offline, required training sessions
for each job grade or managerial task, and language training

Employee benefits
Moorim sponsors a variety of employee welfare policies
to achieve a better quality of life for all employees.

The company is committed to improving and expanding employee welfare policies
for better work-life balance and to instill pride in employees.

Employee perquisites
  • Financial aid for tuition of employee’s children

    Financial aid for tuition of employee’s children (for children enrolled in kindergarten, middle school, high school and university)

  • Financial aid for housing or household expenses

    Corporate and single person housing are provided. Loans are offered at low interest rates through the employee welfare fund to help employees purchase or lease homes and smooth out living expenses.

  • Health check-ups and financial aid for medical costs

    Both annual and comprehensive health check-ups are offered to employees. Medical costs for the treatment of illness or injuries are partially covered by the company.

  • Special holidays and bonuses are offered for important life events such as weddings or a death in the family

    Personal holidays are offered on the employee’s birthday or wedding anniversary to encourage employees to spend more time with their family.

  • Support for leisure activities

    Rest facilities are offered to promote leisure activities in employees’ free time. Clubs, sports events, and cultural events are sponsored by the company to promote better organizational culture.

  • Reward points at the cafeteria

    Special points are offered on Workers’ Day and the Company’s Birthday. These points can be used to purchase various products. Alternatively, employees can opt for self-development sessions or leisure sessions.

  • Rewards for long-term employees

    Long-term employees are rewarded a vacation either in the country or overseas with their significant other.

  • Rewards for those making significant proposals

    As part of the company’s initiative to encourage knowledge-based management, those who provide important information are rewarded and in some cases offered overseas training opportunities.

  • Sponsorship for language training

    Employees will be offered subsidies by the company for their tuition at language schools or for online courses.